January 13th
1128 The order of the Knights Templar is recognised by the Pope. 1941 The death of James Joyce, Irish author and poet.
1128 The order of the Knights Templar is recognised by the Pope. 1941 The death of James Joyce, Irish author and poet.
2348 BC Is the day of the Great Flood, according to scientists. 1914 Birthday of Joe Dimaggio, US baseball star 1971 Birthday of Christina Applegate, American actress.
1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the USA. 1814 Adolphe Sax, the inventor of the Saxophone was born. 1946 American actress Sally Field was born. 1988 Actress Emma Stone was born.
1605 Guy Fawkes tries to blow up the British Parliament , but gets arrested and tried for treason. This day remains in history as the day of “the gunpowder treason”. 1930 Sinclair Lewis wins Nobel prize in Literature, for his novel Babbit, which is a satire of the American culture and lifestyle. 1913 […]
1959 The opening day of the Guggenheim Museum in New York City! 1988 “Mystic Pizza”, a film starring the then-unknown Julia Roberts, premiers. 1967 About 100,000 people in the USA march against the American war against Vietnam. 1917 Dizzy Gillespie was born. (Source:http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history
A lot of things happened on a day like today in history. Here are just some! 1968 Dick Fosbury wins the gold Olympic medal for his amazing high jump of 7 feet 4 1/4 inches,in the Mexico City Games, setting a world record! 1977 Three members of the rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd got killed in […]
A lot of things happened on a day like today in history. Here are just some! 1973 Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the Paris peace accords. However, Tho refused to accept the prize. 1854 Abraham Lincoln delivers a speech where he calls slavery “immoral”. 1854 Also […]
A lot of things happened on a day like today in history! Here are just some! 1844 The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche was born. 1965 The No1 Hit song was “Yesterday”, by the Beatles. 1990 Michail Gorbachev wins the Nobel Peace Prize , http://playback.fm/birthday-song, (Source : http://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/friedrich-nietzsche.html, https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/23/Nietzsche1882.jpg/200px-Nietzsche1882.jpg, http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/mikhail-gorbachev-wins-nobel-peace-prize, http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01782/1990-Mikhail-Gorba_1782204i.jpg, http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01782/1990-Mikhail-Gorba_1782204i.jpg
A lot of things happened on this day in history. Here are just some! Enjoy! 1066 The battle of Hastings took place on Senlac Hill, seven miles from Hastings, England. The battle lasted all day and King Harold II, the last Anglo-Saxon king, was killed and his troops were defeated by the Norman Forces of […]
Many great things happened on this day in History! Here, are just some: 1792 The White House cornerstone was laid by George Washington and Washington DC was declared the capital of the USA. 1943 Italy joins the Allies and declares war on Germany. 1934 Greek singer Nana Mouschouri is born. She has recorded songs in […]